Author, Speaker, Teacher, World Traveler, Adventurer, Rescuer, etc.

Simple Things
When was the last time you thought about how wonderful all the modern conveniences are that we so easily take for granted? You turn a knob and clean water flows into your sink. You press a few buttons and your frozen meal is cooked. Hold a tiny device up to your ear and talk to someone on the other side of the world. Type your question in to Google and instantly find out anything you want to know. Sit down in your car and cross the entire country in less than two days. Sit in an airplane and cross the globe in one. It's hard to remember how easy we have it with so much convenience! Lately I've been noticing them a bit, but it seems impossible to fully appreciate them. Since I got lasik surgery many years ago, I bet I've thought to appreciate how much it simplifies my life only once every three or four months, for example. I'll keep trying to remember that we'd have been burned at the stake two hundred years ago for most of the technology that we take for granted today. I'll try to feel some gratitude for it all. But now that I think about it, I realize that these miraculous conveniences are not what really make us happy - instead, it's the same simple things that have always existed - relationships, stimulating talents and learning, work, accomplishment, security, food, health, exercise, spring flowers and warm weather. Beauty and expression. Inspiration. A sense of belonging. Purpose and meaning. Make sure to carve out some time in your busy, hectic, complicated, technology-filled life for the simple things.

One thought on “Simple Things

  1. This morning after my run I sat down in the grass and let apricot blossoms fall into my lap. Is was perfectly warm and the breeze made my skin tingle as it went by. I have moments like few and far between but you’re right. It’s the simple things that make me happy. Laughing with a friend or the smell of fresh cut grass and of course, after being sick I always appreciate being healthy. Thanks for the reminder!

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