Author, Speaker, Teacher, World Traveler, Adventurer, Rescuer, etc.

When life gives you snow…
...make tracks. Our little burst of spring weather was short-lived. Four or more feet of snow has fallen in the mountains over the last few days. It began as heavy (for Utah, that is) 15-20% water (smokey powder starts below 7%) above 6,000', but I bet it's getting lighter now as the cold front arrives. So I promise to take my friends' advice, stop working so much, and head up to Sundance tomorrow to make the most of winter and hope for sunny warmth to return soon. I'll post a report here if there's anything worth saying about it. REPORT: I enjoyed a WAY better day than expected with a lot of pretty good powder, good skiing, and a few good wipe outs. Here's a little ski movie for your enjoyment: "When Life Gives You Snow..." That's me skiing in all but the middle clip where the skier is up close, then it's Curtis Dudley who did the camera work. Yes, the visibility really was that bad off and on - sometimes the only way you knew there was a mogul in front of you was because you felt it with your boots. "Trust the force, Curtis!" I advised. Yes, my ski did get away after the mogul run and I skied about 70 yards with one ski. Yes, I did a pretty good headplant after hitting some surprisingly heavy snow (there were a lot of variable conditions like that). Yes, it was a darn good day of skiing and I'm so glad I went!

6 thoughts on “When life gives you snow…

  1. I love the video and great use of music. Jim Sturgess is an amazing singer and you can’t go wrong with that song. Makes me want to dance in a bowling ally…

  2. Hey – guess what!? I went skiing for the first time in 14 years last week. It was awesome. Well, it was Las Vegas and the snow was crap – with grass and rocks and twigs sticking up through the ice- but the ski’s were rentals and the day was gorgeous! And it was so easy. I used to get so nervous every time I went skiing as a kid – I couldn’t sleep the night before – even after I was a good skier. But after 14 years I still knew exactly what to do and had a great time and wasn’t nervous at all. I think I won’t wait 14 more years before I go again.

    Let me know if you’re ever coming down to Brian Head.

  3. Sounds like Sundance! Well, not exactly, and THIS time the snow was great! I’m glad you had fun.

    I’ve already downhilled more this year than I have for years. Long gone are the days when I had time and money to ski 24 x per year. It’s a nice surprise how the skills remain, isn’t it?

    I think the ONLY reason I’d leave the Wasatch Front to ski Brianhead would be to meet up with you guys. Skiing with Brigitta and James at Beaver last year was fun. Maybe next year….

  4. Rachael: definitely watch on a computer with speakers sometime. Even better that way.

    Elyse: was dancing in the bowling alley from the movie? That song was on my ipod while skiing and I knew it would be the perfect fit after capturing the best wipe outs on camera.

  5. Yep! In the movie Across the Universe they dance in the bowling ally while Jim Sturgess (Jude) sings that song complete with sliding down the lane on his knees towards the camera. I think it’s my favorite part of the movie and you’re right; it fit perfectly with the wipe outs in your film! 🙂

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