Author, Speaker, Teacher, World Traveler, Adventurer, Rescuer, etc.

While perusing blogs from members of one of the coolest families I've ever met, I found a list of accomplishments from the past decade and thought it would make a good NY tradition. Counting memorable events and accomplishments helps to justify the passage of time. It helps answer the question, when you turn around and look, of "Where did all the time go?" I once began writing a book called I have Wasted my Life. It begins with an autumn evening after spending a few hours riding my mountainbike in the foothills a mile from my home when I realized that I hadn't been courageous enough. I hadn't fought hard enough for everything I wanted. I hadn't faced my few real fears, and because of that, hadn't won my most important battles. It must have begun when my older brother went from best friend to off-and-on bully for a few years before we reverted to best friends by teenagedom. I missed a great opportunity then. I should have punched him back. I should have struggled against the tickling instead of hoping he'd just give up and avoiding conflict. Getting in a fight at scout camp before 9th grade was one of the best things I ever did. Coy was eating watermelon around the fire and started spitting the seeds at me. For the first time in my life, I lost my temper. I said, "If you spit one more seed at me, I'm gonna beat the crap out of you." Coy cooly took another bite, chewed, and spit the seed. I stood up. He stood up. I started swinging and pounded him backwards for at least 30', until he was about to go over the swing backward, when the scoutmaster (my dad) showed up and put a stop to it. I don't remember any of the actual fight. Others had to describe everything to me. I stole Coy's and Nicki's banana cream pie and they caught me. I hated the rest of the week at camp. But then, unexpectedly, Coy and all the other cool kids started treating me with respect. We became best friends, which led to even better friends - Randy, Jeff, Chuck, and others - some of the best friends I could ever imagine, and from then on, life has been, for the most part, pretty fantastic. Since then, for the most part, I've faced fears and done what I wanted. The physical fears have been the easiest - rock climbing, motorcycling, cliff jumping into water or snow. Traveling around the world, often alone, learning languages and settling in. It was easy to focus on the excitement and not think much about the fear. Standing on my skis atop a 50' cliff, I would simply ask myself, "Will I get hurt?" If the landing was steep enough, and the snow soft enough, I would answer "No," then turn off my brain and push off the edge. Simple. Other fears were harder to beat, and I'm sure I still have some polishing up to do on some. So when I look back and notice the goals I haven't accomplished and the dreams that haven't come true, it probably helps to notice what I have; so here's my list of accomplishments over the past decade.
  • 9 years on Search and Rescue. Numerous lives saved. Even more people helped. Sometimes strenuous rescues where I really had to work and where it made a difference. Others where my technical skills (as part of the team) contributed to a faster, safer rescue.
  • Hundreds or more motorcycle miles ridden. Thousands of gorgeous views. Liters of adrenaline used. Lots of fun with good friends.
  • At least 4 careers: teaching at the university, training newspaper software around the world, becoming VP of training and customer support for an outstanding start up, and energy work, and excelling at all of them.
  • Influenced many lives for good. Supported friends in ways that visibly changed the course of their lives. That's one of the most satisfying list items.
  • Traveled around the world - back to Europe, Mexico, and South America; and to the Caribbean and Central America.
  • Wrote several books and stories...though I still need to turn them into humongous publishing successes.
  • Bought two houses (sold one, of course).
  • Learned a bunch of stuff.
  • Faced a bunch of fears and challenges.
  • Climbed the Grand Teton, Cerro el Plomo, and a bunch of other mountains, sometimes by difficult routes.
  • Fell in love (which...didn't work out so great, but it's worth listing).
  • Got rich (until my stocks dove, so it didn't last very long).
  • Sailed 2,500 miles through two oceans and one big storm.
That's what comes to mind right now. I'll think all that over and decide what I'd really like to add to the list, then do whatever I can, no matter what it takes, to get them on next year's list.

6 thoughts on “Decade

  1. You weren’t by any chance referencing this list, were you? If so, thanks for the nice compliment about my family! If not, it’s a good read. Speaking of good reads, this was one.

  2. I certainly was, Mary.

    I love how so many insightful, entertaining, lively blogs like yours (and your fam’s) make the internet a worthwhile place again (as in, not just lots of pet pictures like many original personal web sites).

    You’re welcome & thanks.

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