Author, Speaker, Teacher, World Traveler, Adventurer, Rescuer, etc.

Utah Valley University
I just got my teaching schedule for Utah Valley University this fall. I'm excited! I love teaching and can't wait to get myself back in that higher education atmosphere three times a week. I have a 7:00 and 8:00 a.m. section of English 2010. I wish teaching paid better. I never would have left. I'd have continued to enjoy the job and the vacations, would have perfected various assignments and methods and completed my awesome writing textbook, and who knows what other adventures would have come about. On the other hand, if it paid better, I never would have been VP of Training & Customer Success for ZYTO, never would have explored the field of energy medicine in such depth, and probably never would have started my own private practice, which will probably lead to bigger and bigger things and make a difference for many people. I wouldn't have been able to take five weeks off and sail for 2,500 miles through two oceans. So...whatever. There's no sense wondering what might have been. I'd rather spend my time on what is and what could become.

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