This morning I went for a ride up the Right Fork of Hobble Creek Canyon with the SAR Singletrack Special Team (CJ, Brent, Gavin) and LOVED it. The leaves are beginning to change and the morning was perfectly, comfortably cool.
My bike has been out of commission for a while, so Brent lent me his extra KTM CXRW530 (or something like that) - thanks! I love that bike. Tight, responsive suspension, excellent power. It was nice to discover that I still feel perfectly comfortable on a dirt bike as this is my first ride of the year, and lower Days Canyon provided ample warm up with all it's large and loose rocks to navigate.
We rode for about five hours - up Days, Kirkman, Pumphouse Ridge, Packard (the long east variation and normal route), and back again. I *loved* tackling rocky climbs, staying forward on the pegs and steering carefully between boulders and roots to keep the front wheel on the ground, sometimes wrenching the handlebars quickly back and forth to avoid hitting a tree trunk without riding off the trail, banked corners, fast open meadows that flashed by between winding curves, the feeling of my hands on the grips and my shoulders steering the bike and letting it do all the work, jumping the occasional hump in the trail, watching small flocks of wild turkey race away as we drove by, occasional patches of red leaves carpeting the trail, and stopping now and then to chat and make sure no one had crashed.
Afterward, when I rode my street bike home (Yamaha FZ6), it felt sluggish and unresponsive in comparison to the dirt bikes.
I haven't been out playing nearly enough this summer, instead trying to work and get things done. But now, after a couple weeks of school, picking up an extra class and two more classes for a charter school, writing for hours some days, grading others, creating new curriculum, and other tasks, I'm feeling slightly burned out, which explains why I'm writing this blog post instead of polishing another chapter or two of the book I've vowed to finish writing by Halloween. But I guess I'll get back to that now anyway. One more hour tonight. It'll be rewarding to get a few more steps closer to completing another task.
Sounds so nice! Glad you were finally able to get a refreshing break! 🙂 hope you are doing well! We sure all miss you! Jacks still sometimes mentions ”Shaun house”. 🙂