Comments on: Choose your Perceptions Carefully Author, Speaker, Teacher, Adventurer, Rescuer, etc. Thu, 13 Oct 2016 19:14:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Natalie Thu, 13 Oct 2016 19:14:40 +0000 That was encouraging, especially when days are hard and need to keep going.
Liked the 6 suggestions to do when need a break or center myself!!
Great Article!!

By: Shaun Tue, 03 Mar 2009 18:32:07 +0000 Thanks, Melee! Love the quote, especially the insightful lines: “Here was a place totally devoid of love. This was Hell.” I believe that.

Elyse, it totally depends on the day! If you’re lucky, you’ll choose my motorcycle trip to Moab coming up in a few weeks. Some other days are work, work, work to choose new perceptions. But there is always the determination to make life great, and a bright hope that I’ll succeed.

By: Elyse Kanno Tue, 03 Mar 2009 17:23:05 +0000 What would it be like to see the world through the eyes of Shaun Roundy for a day? What would I experience and what would I feel? When I read posts like this it makes me wonder… I love this post and it’s made me realize that I need to rethink a few of my perceptions. Thanks for the encouragement!

By: Melanee Tue, 03 Mar 2009 07:46:17 +0000 Incredible post, Shaun. You are such a multi-layered pro.

You said: In the second place, it’s a cry for help, a request for someone to come along who will prove you wrong and rescue you from your doubts, fears and needs.

But it will never happen, because even when that person comes along, you won’t recognize him/her.

Listen to this quote from Return from Tomorrow, by George Ritchie.

George Ritchie, a man who had experienced a Near Death Experience, said he saw angels hovering over those wicked creatures he observed. “All I clearly saw was that not one of these bickering beings on the plain had been abandoned. They were being attended, watched over, ministered to. And the equally observable fact was that not one of them knew it.”

He went on to comment the following on those “vile, self-absorbed creatures” whom the Being of Light loved, yet who would have nothing to do with him.

“This was breaking the heart of the Son of God standing beside me. Even here were angels trying to get them to change their thoughts. Since they could not admit there were beings greater than themselves, they could not see or hear them. There was no fire and brimstone here; no boxed in canyons, but something a thousand times worse from my point of view. Here was a place totally devoid of love. This was Hell.” (My Life After Dying, p. 25).

We see and experience joy, light, love, and peace when we choose to acknowledge it. Could it be possible that we must have faith and hope in the light’s existence before we can see it? At times it may seem to happen simultaneously; the acknowledgment of the possibility of the light, and the experiencing of it. Other times it may take more time. Believing in kind, benevolent, generous people, for example, and then walking into a life that seem to brim with such a crowd. the manifestation doesn’t always happen instantly, but the motion of light is given permission to blossom immediately upon our asking for it.

Can’t wait to try the hands-on suggestions too!
